About the foundation

The Tavolozza Foundation

Founded in 2001 by Katrin Bellinger, the Tavolozza Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organisation based near Munich, Germany. Named Tavolozza, the Italian word for palette, the flat surface on which a painter arranges and mixes paints, the Foundation offers a range of support to museums, galleries and other cultural and educational institutions. This includes providing funding for exhibitions, acquisitions, scholarly publications as well as special projects such as conferences and study days.

The Foundation is particularly interested in furthering research into the theme of the artist at work and promoting it internationally through educational initiatives. Works encompassing that precise subject form the core of the Katrin Bellinger collection, which is also administered by the Foundation (see www.katrinbellingercollection.com).

For information on applying for grants, please e-mail [email protected]




Apply for Support

The Tavolozza Foundation aims to make works on paper more accessible to the public hoping to heighten awareness of the medium. To this end it offers a range of support to museums, galleries, and other cultural and educational institutions, including providing funding for exhibitions, acquisitions, scholarly publications as well as special projects such as conferences and study days. Digitisation of collections of works on paper with the aim of making them available online to a wider public is another area of support. The Foundation is particularly interested in research furthering understanding around the artistic process relating to the theme of ‘The Artist at Work’.

For more information or to apply for support please e-mail [email protected]


Special Projects


Artists and travel have for centuries been intertwined where the desire to explore beyond the confines of one’s home has provoked a truly astonishing outpouring of creativity, much of which was captured through drawings and prints. Comprising over 120 such works, Connecting Worlds. Artists & Travel (Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, 8 July – 8 October 2023)  will be the first exhibition to approach the subject through the lens of artists’ experiences of travel from the Renaissance to the nineteenth century. Select works by contemporary artists offer further inspiring perspectives on the topic of travel and connectivity. This international exhibition project is a collaboration between the Kupferstich-Kabinett and the Katrin Bellinger Collection, London, and is made possible by the complementary strengths of the two collections: the Kupferstich-Kabinett, with its extensive holdings on the themes of travel and science in the early modern period, and the Katrin Bellinger Collection, with its focus on representations of artists engaged in the creative process. The project is supplemented by prominent loans from national and international collections.

Accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue in English published by Paul Holberton, London.


With support from the Tavolozza Foundation, the Walker Art Gallery, National Museums Liverpool, has undertaken an ambitious project to reopen, redisplay and reimagine its outstanding collection of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque art. This will include a new Works on Paper Gallery. Learn more about Renaissance Rediscovered: www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/renaissance


In winter 2022 as part of its reopening after extensive renovation, Leighton House, London, unveiled its brand new Tavolozza Drawings Gallery. This elegant space offers a permanent and publicly accessible home to its exceptional collection of drawings by Frederic Leighton (1830–1896) and will also host temporary exhibitions of works by other artists.

Find out what’s on at the Tavolozza Drawings Gallery: www.rbkc.gov.uk/museums/whats-on


The Foundation supported the Wallace Collection in the creation of the Riesener Microsite. Launched in 2020, the microsite is dedicated to one of the eighteenth century’s most celebrated furniture-makers, Jean-Henri Riesener (1734–1806). The Wallace Collection has one of the most important holdings of Riesener furniture in the world and this site provides information about his life, his work for the royal French court and his patrons. Most importantly, it examines the furniture at the Wallace Collection, revealing insights into his working methods, the materials he used and the cabinetmaking techniques he employed.

See: www.wallacecollection.org/riesener/

The Artist's Studio Museums of Europe

The Foundation supported the initiative to create the first-ever international network of museums based on artists’ former studios or homes: www.artiststudiomuseum.org. Launched in 2016 the network, concentrating on museums in Europe, provides resources and exciting collaborative opportunities intended to inspire future exhibitions and publications. The Tavolozza continues to support the project and its continued growth, as studio museums are added regularly to the website.

William Shipley Group for RSA History

The Tavolozza supported the William Shipley Group for RSA History Symposium, held at the Royal Academy on Friday, 27 March 2015, ‘Drawing: A Pre-eminent Skill’. William Shipley (1715-1803) was a drawing master and founder of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce in 1754. One of the first aims of the Society was to encourage drawing ability in young boys and girls, in the hope that good design would reinvigorate the British school of painting as well as induce the production of increasingly competitive British manufactured goods. To mark the tercentenary of Shipley’s birth in 2015 and to honour Shipley’s biographer and historian of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), Dr David G.C. Allan, the William Shipley Group for RSA History held a one-day symposium. The event considered the story of drawing schools from their inception up to the foundation of the Royal Academy, with a focus on the work of Shipley’s own school. It also explored the work of a regional academy. See the Press page for Dr Susanna Avery-Quash’s report on the symposium for the William Shipley Group newsletter.

International Colloquium on Artists' Studio Museums, Watts Gallery

The principal focus of the Tavolozza is the representation of the artist at work, particularly in the atelier with its original trappings. To this end, the Foundation supports initiatives that explore the subject such as the International Colloquium on Artists’ Studio Museums held at the Watts Gallery, the last remaining artist studio and house of the 19th century retaining its original collection, in Surrey on 15 November 2013.

The aim of the colloquium was to establish an international network of Artists’ Studio Museums. Pioneered by the Watts Gallery in collaboration with Giles Waterfield, Senior Research Fellow, the event explored opportunities for some of the most important Artists’ Studio Museums to promote international co-operation between museums devoted to the preservation of artists’ studios.  Speakers included directors and curators from a range of institutions including the Rubenshuis, Antwerp; the Henry Moore Foundation, Much Hadham; Francis Bacon’s Studio, Dublin City Gallery the Hugh Lane; the Max Liebermann Villa, Berlin; the Polenovo Museum, Russia; the Musée Bourdelle, Paris; and the Gallen-Kallela Museum, Helsinki.

A resounding success, the colloquium resulted in establishing a framework to launch the first ever international network of artist’s studio museums.

See www. artiststudiomuseum.org


Museums and Galleries

The Tavolozza Foundation supports public art collections across the United Kingdom, Europe and North America including the following:


The Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge (supported the acquisition of the Portrait of Claude-Armand Gérôme)
The Charleston Trust Charleston, East Sussex
Pitzhanger Manor Ealing
The Watts Gallery Guildford, Surrey
Walker Art Gallery Liverpool
Art UK (website) London
Sir John Soane’s Museum London (Trustee; Supporter, ‘Adopt-a-Model’ initiative)
The National Gallery London (Trustee & The George Beaumont Circle)
The British Museum London (The Ottley Group & The Vollard Group)
Victoria and Albert Museum London
The Wallace Collection London
Leighton House London
Royal Academy of Art London
The Courtauld Gallery London
Foundling Museum London
Dulwich Picture Gallery London
The Bowes Museum Newgate, Barnard Castle
The Ashmolean Museum Oxford (The Elias Ashmole Society)
Yorkshire Sculpture Park West Bretton, Wakefield (Supporter Circle)

Europe & USA

The Rembrandthuis Amsterdam
The Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
The Kunsthalle Hamburg
The Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
The J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles (The Disegno Group)
The Bayrische Staatsgemäldesammlung Munich
The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York (Visiting Committee, Department of Drawings and Prints)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York (Visiting Committee for Paper Conservation)
Musée des Arts Décoratifs Paris
Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge


Cultural and Educational Institutions

The Foundation also provides funding to a variety of organisations that promote the liberal arts and education.

Scholarship, MA in the in Art Market and the History of Collecting, The University of Buckingham and the National Gallery in association with Waddesdon Manor Buckingham and London
Scholarship, History of Art and Film Department, University of Leicester Leicester
Art UK (website) London
Drawing Room London
Hospital Rooms London
IntoUniversity London
The Royal Opera House London (Maestro's Circle)
The Royal Drawings School London (Patron)
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich
Corpus der Italienischen Zeichnungen Munich
Master Drawings Association New York
The Drawing Foundation New York
L’Association Mariette Paris
The University of Reading Reading
The Hazara Charitable Trust Romford
AWARE France
Rheinisches Kuratorium Germany
Prince's Trust UK
BrainWaves Hub UK
Nuwandas Charity
Factum Foundation UK


Conferences and Study Days

Landscape drawing in the making: materiality – practice – experience, 1500–1800, International study day, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, 14–15 March 2024

Annual Master Drawings Symposium, Villa Albertine, The Payne Whitney Mansion, New York, 30 January 2024

ICRA (International Catalogue Raisonné Association) Annual Conference 2023, On Paper, The Royal Academy of Arts London, 5 December 2023



Stefania Mason, “Tomo sixth Giacomo Palma”: the drawings of Palma the Younger in the Sagredo collection, ZeL Edizioni, forthcoming

Loretta Vandi, Eufrasia Burlamacchi, Lund Humphries, forthcoming

Jacqueline Marie Musacchio, The Art and Life of Francesca Alexander (1837–1917), Lund Humphries, London, forthcoming 2025

Les artistes voyageurs: formes et fonctions du dessin de voyage, conference proceedings, XVIIes Rencontres internationales du Salon du dessin (Petit auditorium, Palais Brongniart, Place de la Bourse, Paris, 20–21 March 2024), forthcoming

Alina Bock, Humor im Bild bei Adolph Schroedter, Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg, forthcoming

Clare Hornsby and Caroline Barron, G.B. Piranesi Print Catalogue, The British School at Rome, forthcoming

François Marandet, Louis Galloche (1670-1761): Un peintre de « Poesie » au 18ème siècle, Silvana Editoriale, Milan, forthcoming 2024

Emma Jones, Schinkel in Perspective: The Architect as Illusionist in Nineteenth Century Prussia, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, forthcoming

Dominique Jacquot, Simon Vouet, Cohen&Cohen éditeurs, Paris, forthcoming

Hedda Finke and Stephan von Wiese, Werkverzeichnis der Zeichnungen Max Beckmanns, Hirmer Verlag, forthcoming

Professor Rocco Sinisgalli, De Prospectiva Pingendi by Piero della Francesca, The MIT Press, forthcoming 

Drs Adriano Aymonino and Silvia Davoli, Paper Marbles: Pier Leone Ghezzi’s “Studio di Molte Pietre”, The MIT Press, forthcoming 2025

Heather McPherson, Picturing the Artist’s Studio, from Delacroix to Picasso, Lund Humphries, London, 2024

Special issue of Upstate Diary dedicated to Georgia O’Keeffe, 2024

Michael Roggendorf, Johann Georg von Dillis. Der unbekannte Radierer, Edition Fichter, 2024

Maria Aresin and Thomas dalla Costa, eds., Venetian Disegno: New Frontiers, Paul Holberton Publishing, London, 2024

Alice Ottazzi, Tresors d’une ile. La ricezione della scuola inglese a Parigi nel XVIII secolo, Polistampa, 2024

Silvano Levy, Mary Wykeham: Surrealist out of the Shadows, Lund Humphries, London, 2023

Hanno Tiesbrummel, Velazquez Und Die Mythologie: Zur Entstehung Von Sinn in Form Und Prasenz, Gebruder Mann Verlag, 2023

Nancy Siegel, Susie M. Barstow: Redefining the Hudson River School, Lund Humphries, London, 2023

Dorothy Price and Barnaby Wright, eds., Claudette Johnson: Presence, The Courtauld & Paul Holberton Publishing, 2023

Alma Zevi, Not Vital: Sculptures, Skira, Milan, 2023

June 2023 issue of Burlington Contemporary, issue 8: Drawing

Special issue of Upstate Diary, no. 16, 2023

David Solkin ed., Fuseli and the Modern Woman: Fashion, Fantasy, Fetishism, The Courtauld & Paul Holberton Publishing, 2022

Dr Noam Andrews, The Polyhedrists: Art and Geometry in the Long Sixteenth Century, The MIT Press, 2022 

Nico Kirchberger, ed., Grand Tour XXL: Der Reisekünstler Emel‘jan Korneev, exhibition catalogue, Münchner Stadtmuseum, Munich, 2021

Autumn 2021 issue of Master Drawings Journal (Volume 59, Number 3)

Hui Luan Tran, Vor-Bildliches Sterben. Der Tod der Kleopatra als bildtheoretisches Motiv in der Frühen Neuzeit, zephir 9, Edition Imorde, 2020

Dr Marianne Koos, ‘Malerei als Augentrug. Alexander Roslins Selbstporträt mit Marie Suzanne Giroust-Roslin an der Staffelei’, in: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 83 (2020), pp. 506-553

Sarah Ferrari and Alessandra Pattanaro, eds., Disegnare l’antico, riproporre l’antico nel Cinquecento. Taccuini, copie e studi intorno a Girolamo da Carpi, Padova University Press, Padua, 2019

Jan Marsh, with contributions by Peter Funnell, Charlotte Gere, Pamela Gerrish Nunn, and Alison Smith, Pre-Raphaelite Sisters, exhibition catalogue, National Portrait Gallery, London, 2019

Catherine Jenkins, Nadine M. Orenstein, and Freyda Spira, The Renaissance of Etching, exhibition catalogue, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2019

Kate Macfarlane (ed.), with an essay by Hannah Williams and texts by Marco Livingstone, Deanna Petherbridge, Karsten Schubert, Anita Viola Sganzerla and Colin Wiggins, Close: Drawn Portraits, exhibition catalogue, Drawing Room, London, 2018

Dr. Nino Nanobashvili, Die Ausbildung von Künstlern und Dilettanti: Das ABC des Zeichnens, Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg, 2018

Deanna Petherbridge and Anita V. Sganzerla, Artists at Work, Paul Holberton Publishing with The Courtauld Gallery, London, 2018

Dr. Thea Vignau-Wilberg, Joris and Jacob Hoefnagel: Art and Science Around 1600, Hatje Cantz, Berlin, 2017

Sonja Brink and Beat Wismer (eds.), Idea Et Inventio: Italienische Zeichnungen des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf im Museum Kunstpalast, Band1, Imhof Verlag, Petersberg, 2017

Michael Plomp, Martin Sonnabend and Christoph Vogtherr (eds.), Watteau, Thoth, Uitgeverij, 2017

Building Identity: Chaim Gross and Artist’s Homes and Studios in New York City, 1953-74, The Renee & Chaim Gross Foundation, New York, 2017

Lucia Tantardini, Aurelio Luini: The Complete Paintings and Drawings, Ugo Bozzi Editore, Rome (in preparation)

Yuri Primarosa, Ottavio Leoni (1587-1630), eccellente miniator di ritratti. Catalogo ragionato dell’opera grafica e pittorica, Ugo Bozzi Editore, Rome, 2017

Nicole Hegener (ed.), Nackte Gestalten: Die Wiederkehr des antiken Akts in der Renaissanceplastik/Naked Revival: The Return of the Ancient Nude in Renaissance Sculpture, proceedings of international conference, The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 7-9 April 2016 (forthcoming, expected 2021)

Special issue of Upstate Diary dedicated to Alexander Calder, 2, 2016

Sibylle Appuhn-Radtke, Josef H. Biller, Dagmar Dietrich and Maria-Luise Hopp-Gantner (eds.), Johann Andreas Wolff (1652–1716) – Hofmaler und Kunstintendant, Munich, 2016

Kurt Zeitler (ed.), Linien – Musik des Sichtbaren: Festschrift für Michael Semff, Berlin, 2015

Notes in Honor of William W. Robinson, special issue of Master Drawings, 53, no. 4 (Winter 2015)

Adriano Aymonino and Anne Varick Lauder, Drawn from the Antique: Artists & the Classical Ideal, Libanus Press with Sir John Soane’s Museum, London and The Teylers Museum, Haarlem, 2015

Peter Märker, Carl Philipp Fohr 1795-1818. Monographie und Werkverzeichnis, Munich, 2015

Kurt Zeitler, Linien – Musik des Sichtbaren: Festschrift für Michael Semff, Berlin and Munich, 2015

Florian Härb, The Drawings of Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), Rome, 2015

Gottfried Boehm, Matthias Schaller: Das Meisterstück, 2015

Stijn Alsteens, ‘The Drawings of Pieter Coecke van Aelst’, Master Drawings, 52, no. 3 (Autumn 2014)

Claudia Schnitzer, Constellation Felix: Die Planetenfeste Augusts des Starken anlässlich der Vermählung seines Sohnes Friedrich August mit der Kaisertochter Maria Josepha 1719 in Dresden, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Dresden, 2014

Peter Schatborn and Leonore van Sloten, Old Drawings, New Names: Rembrandt and his Contemporaries, Amsterdam, 2014

Adriano Aymonino, with Lucy Gwynn and Mirco Modolo, Paper Palaces: The Topham Collection as a Source for British Neo-Classicism,  Eton College, 2013

Emmanuelle Brugerolles, Georges Brunel and Camille Debraban, The Male Nude: Eighteenth-century Drawings from the Paris Academy, London, 2013

Fritz Koreny, Hieronymus Bosch. Die Zeichnungen. Werkstatt und Nachfolge bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts, Turnhout, 2012



The Foundation sponsors many exhibitions and catalogues of Old Master drawings, paintings as well as contemporary art.

Current & forthcoming


DEICHTOR HALLEN HAMBURG  7 September 2024 — 26 January 2025

Impulse Rembrandt. Teacher Strategist Bestseller

Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig  3 October 2024 — 26 January 2025

Rembrandt out of the dark

Museen Stade  28 September 2024 — 26 January 2025

Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael – Florence, c. 1504

Royal Academy of Art, London  9 November 2024 — 16 February 2025

Caspar David Friedrich, Goethe und die Romantik in Weimar

Klassik Stiftung Weimar   22 November 2024 — 2 March 2025

William Blake’s Universe

Hamburger Kunsthalle  14 June — 8 September 2024

Careers by design: Hendrick Goltzius & Peter Paul Rubens

Pinakothek der Modern, München  13 June — 15 September 2024

Extravagante Renaissance: Geoffroy Dumonstier, de Rouen à Fontainebleau

Pôle culturel Grammont, Rouen  1 October 2024 — 4 January 2025


Claude Lorrain, Drawings and Etchings

Château de Chantilly  2 March — 19 May 2024

Women Reframe American Landscape: Susie Barstow & Her Circle. Contemporary Practices

Thomas Cole National Historic Site, Catskill, NY  6 May — 29 October 2023

The Allure of Rome. Maarten van Heemskerck draws the city

Kupferstichkabinett Berlin  26 April — 4 August 2024

James Ensor. Inspired by Brussels

Palace of Charles of Lorraine, Brussels  22 February — 2 June 2024

Botticelli Drawings

Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco  18 November 2023 — 11 February 2024

Die Freiheit der Linie – Callot, Della Bella, Castiglione und die Radierung im 17. Jahrhundert

Landesmuseum, Mainz  9 September — 3 December 2023

Claudette Johnson

The Courtauld Gallery, London  29 September 2023 — 14 January 2024

A founding member of the Black British Art Movement, Claudette Johnson is considered one of the most significant figurative artists of her generation. For over 30 years she has created large-scale drawings of Black women and men that are at once intimate and powerful.
Read more: courtauld.ac.uk/whats-on/claudette-johnson/

Rubens & Women

Dulwich Picture Gallery, London  27 September 2023 — 28 January 2024

Discover a different side to Rubens and learn how the leading women in his life came to shape the artist we know today.
Read more: www.dulwichpicturegallery.org.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/2023/september/rubens-women/

Gwen John: Art and Life in London and Paris

Pallant House Gallery, Chichester  13 May — 8 October 2023

Uncover the life, loves and influences of Gwen John, a groundbreaking modern artist.
Read more: pallant.org.uk/whats-on/gwen-john-art-and-life/

Painted Love: Renaissance Marriage Portraits

The Holburne Museum, Bath, UK  26 March — 1 October 2023

Lavinia Fontana: Trailblazer, Rule Breaker

National Gallery of Ireland  6 May — 27 August 2023

German Expressionists & The Third Reich

Holt Festival, Norfolk  15 July — 29 July 2023

Antoine Caron (1521-1599). Le théâtre de l’Histoire

Musée National De La Renaissance - Château D'ecouen  5 April — 3 July 2023

Claude Gillot

Musée du Louvre, Paris  9 November 2023 — 12 February 2024

A draughtsman and printmaker in the last years of the Grand Siècle, Claude Gillot is known for the inventiveness and originality of his works, heralding the freedom of expression and mores of the Régence period (1715–1723).

Read more: www.louvre.fr/en/what-s-on/exhibitions/claude-gillot

Portraits of Dogs: From Gainsborough to Hockney

Wallace Collection, London  29 March — 15 October 2023

The Rossettis

Tate Britain, London  6 April — 24 September 2023

»PARIS IS MY LIBRARY« Drawings and Prints by Félicien Rops

Hamburger Kunsthalle  10 February — 7 May 2023

Held in the Harzen-Kabinett of the Hamburger Kunsthalle, the exhibition will for the first time present up to one hundred sheets from the extensive collection of prints and drawings by the artist. Read more: www.hamburger-kunsthalle.de/en/exhibitions/paris-my-library

Donatello: Sculpting the Renaissance

Victoria & Albert Museum, London  11 February — 11 June 2023

The Van de Veldes: Greenwich, Art and the Sea

Queen's House, Royal Museums Greenwich  2 March 2023 — 14 January 2024

Beyond the Light: Identity and Place in Nineteenth-Century Danish Art

The Met, New York  26 January — 16 April 2023

ANTIKE ERFINDEN. Martin von Wagner und Homers Ilias

Martin von Wagner Museum, Würzburg  25 March — 25 June 2023

Making Modernism. Paula Modersohn-Becker, Käthe Kollwitz, Gabriele Münter and Marianne Werefkin

Royal Academy of Arts, London  12 November 2022 — 12 February 2023

Der letzte Romantiker. Albert Venus

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Kupferstich-Kabinett  8 October 2022 — 22 January 2023

The Universe on Paper. The Art of Linda Karshan

Domvs Comeliana, Pisa  13 October — 16 October 2022

Fuseli and the Modern Woman: Fashion, Fantasy, Fetishism

The Courtauld Gallery, London  14 October 2022 — 8 January 2023

Inspiring Walt Disney: The Animation of French Decorative Arts

The Wallace Collection, London  6 April — 16 October 2022

This exhibition displays American 20th-century hand-drawn animation alongside French 18th-century art to reveal the surprising and enchanting connections between these two artistic movements.

Read more: www.wallacecollection.org/art/exhibitions-displays/inspiring-walt-disney/

A Century of the Artist’s Studio 1920 – 2020

Whitechapel Gallery, London  24 February — 5 June 2022

Whitechapel Gallery presents a 100-year survey of the studio through the work of artists and image-makers from around the world.

Read more: https://www.whitechapelgallery.org/exhibitions/a-century-of-the-artists-studio-1920-2020/

Hogarth and Europe

Tate Britain, London  3 November 2021 — 20 March 2022

Zauber des Realen: Bernardo Bellotto am sächsischen Hof

Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden   21 May — 28 August 2022
Königliches Schloss, Warschau  23 September 2022 — 8 January 2023

Jacques Louis David: Radical Draftsman

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York  17 February — 15 May 2022

Holbein: Capturing Character

Morgan Library & Museum, New York  11 February — 15 May 2022

Reframed: The Woman in the Window

Dulwich Picture Gallery  4 May — 4 September 2022

The first exhibition to explore the enigmatic motif of the ‘woman in the window’. Featuring artworks from ancient civilisations to present day, the exhibition will bring together over 40 works by artists including Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, David Hockney, Louise Bourgeois, Cindy Sherman, Wolfgang Tillmans and Rachel Whiteread to reveal how artists have long used the motif to elicit a particular kind of response ranging from empathy to voyeurism.

Read more: https://www.dulwichpicturegallery.org.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/2022/may/reframed-the-woman-in-the-window/

Absent Artists

Charleston, East Sussex  2 April — 29 August 2022

Curated by Langlands & Bell.

Read more: https://www.charleston.org.uk/exhibition/absent-artists/

Albrecht Dürer: Renaissance et Gravure

Musée Condé, Chantilly, France  4 June — 2 October 2022

werden/becoming. L’accademia delle Arti del Disegno di Firenze und die Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. From Michelangelo to the Future

Tiroler Landesmuseen, Innsbruck  3 December 2021 — 18 April 2022

Color into Line: Pastels from the Renaissance to the Present

Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco  9 October 2021 — 13 February 2022

BAROQUE BRILLIANCE Drawings and Prints by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione

Kunsthaus Zürich  10 December 2021 — 6 March 2022

By Her Hand: Artemisia Gentileschi and Women Artists in Italy, 1500–1800

Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT  30 September 2021 — 9 January 2022

Goya’s Graphic Imagination

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York  12 February — 2 May 2021

Der Arbeit die Schönheit geben. Tiepolo und seine Werkstatt in Würzburg

Martin von Wagner Museum der Universität Würzburg, Gemäldegalerie   31 October 2020 — 15 July 2021

Turner’s Modern World

Tate Britain, London  28 October 2020 — 12 September 2021

Städel’s Legacy. Master Drawings from the Founder’s Collection

Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main  13 May — 16 August 2020

Piranesi drawings: visions of antiquity

British Museum, London  20 February — 9 August 2020

Carmontelle (1717-1806)

Musée Condé, Chantilly, France  5 September 2020 — 3 January 2021

Forgotten Masters: Indian Painting for the East India Company

The Wallace Collection, London  4 December 2019 — 19 April 2020

Pre-Raphaelite Sisters

National Portrait Gallery, London  17 October 2019 — 26 January 2020

Picasso and Paper

Royal Academy of Arts  25 January — 13 April 2020

Edmund de Waal: psalm

Venice  8 May — 29 September 2019

Rembrandt’s Mark (Rembrandts Strich)

Kupferstich-Kabinett, Residenzschloss, Dresden  14 June — 15 September 2019

The exhibition celebrated Rembrandt as artists’ artist – as teacher, paragon, source of inspiration, authority and challenge for others.

See: https://kupferstich-kabinett.skd.museum/en/exhibitions/rembrandts-mark/


The Nude Mona Lisa

Musée Condé, Chantilly, France  1 June — 6 October 2019

For the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death, the Domaine de Chantilly celebrated the artist’s genius through one of his lesser-known and enigmatic yet seminal work: the Nude Mona Lisa.

See: www.domainedechantilly.com/en/event/the-nude-mona-lisa/

Drawing in Tintoretto’s Venice

The Morgan Library & Museum, New York  12 October 2018 — 6 January 2019

Idea and Inventio: Italian drawings of the 15th and 16th Centuries

Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf  24 March — 18 June 2017
Musée d’art et d’histoire, Geneva  29 September 2017 — 7 January 2018

Hardly any period brought to the fore as many epochal artists in Italy as the 15th and 16th centuries. The broad spectrum of artists shown in this exhibition ranged from Perugino and Raffael, to Michelangelo, Veronese and Barocci through to Vasari.

The Encounter: Drawings from Leonardo to Rembrandt

National Portrait Gallery, London  13 July — 22 October 2017

The creative encounter between individual artists and sitters was explored in this major exhibition featuring portrait drawings by some of the outstanding masters of the Renaissance and Baroque periods.

Raphael: The Drawings

The Ashmolean, Oxford  1 June — 3 September 2017

Not Vital

Yorkshire Sculpture Park, West Bretton, Wakefield  21 May 2016 — 2 January 2017

Making Colour

National Gallery, London  18 June — 7 September 2014

Franz Ludwig Catel: Italienbilder der Romantik

Hamburger Kunsthalle  16 October 2015 — 31 January 2016

Further information www.hamburger-kunsthalle.de/

Goya: The Witches and Old Women Album

The Courtauld Gallery, London  26 February — 25 May 2015

Johann Christian Reinhart, Ein deutscher Landschaftsmaler in Rom

Kunsthalle Hamburg  26 October 2012 — 27 January 2013

Master Drawings

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford  25 May — 18 August 2013

Fragonard, Poesie und Leidenschaft

Kunsthalle Karlsruhe  30 November 2013 — 23 February 2014

The Beauty of the Line: Stefano della Bella as a Draughtsman

Kunsthalle Hamburg  25 October 2013 — 26 January 2014

The Young Dürer: Drawing the Figure

The Courtauld Gallery, London  17 October 2013 — 12 January 2014

A Victorian Obsession: The Pérez Simón Collection

Leighton House Museum, London  14 November 2014 — 6 April 2015

Drawn from the Antique: Artists & the Classical Ideal

Sir John Soane’s Museum, London  25 June — 26 September 2015
Teylers Museum, Haarlem  11 March — 31 May 2015

Further information www.soane.org

Silent Partners: Artist and Mannequin from Function to Fetish

Musée Bourdelle, Paris  31 March — 12 July 2015
The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge  4 October 2014 — 25 January 2015